Parking & Traffic
For dancers’ safety, please remember to only drop off and pick up dancers at either of the North doors (facing Rock Bridge High School) OR the South door (by the brick columns).
Please enter and exit from our facility using the one-way North driveway (west to east), through the South lot by Jimmy Johns, or the East drive by the soccer field. Please do not use the West entrance to our parking lot or drive between our building and the one story building behind us. Due to a new tenant behind our building, parking and traffic is extremely congested there. That area should only be used by our Staff. The safety of your children is most important to us.
Just a quick clarification regarding the traffic flow on the North side of the CPAC building (the side that faces RBHS with the tall white columns). Traffic flows ONE WAY through the semi-circle drive from west to east. Cars should enter from the West (closest to Commerical Drive) and exit to the East (toward the East wing of the building). Do not enter the semi-circle drive by the East wing. Please assist us in keeping traffic flowing smoothly and minimizing congestion. The new driveway on the East end of the building (nearest the soccer field) is for two way traffic to access the rear of the building.