Spring Recital Tickets
Families are now able to purchase 4 tickets per family for each day they perform. Tickets are $10 each and 100% of the proceeds go to local charities. Tickets will be available in the WEST LOBBY location.
Tickets will be on sale to the general public on Monday May 1st, 3:00pm, at the WEST LOBBY location. We WILL sell out of most shows. Please get your tickets early to avoid missing out on your child’s performance.
Dress rehearsals will be Monday May 8th through Thursday May 11th. Schedules available on the Recital page and at both front desk locations.
All Classes will perform the weekend of May 12th, 13th, and 14th. We are having 5 amazing shows (Friday 7pm, Saturday 11am, Saturday 3pm, Saturday 7pm, Sunday 3pm) incorporating all levels and styles of dance. Please visit our Recital page for the listing of which classes perform in which show. Each show is different.